The front squat has always been one of the biggest, most important exercises to any weightlifter. This is to serve the base of the catch position in a clean. But today, the front squat is a staple of a lot of training programs, which is great! But to earn the benefits of any exercises, we must first must know how to do it right.

The front loaded nature of the lift necessities a more upright posture, putting more stress on the quads and less stress on the spine while creating a demanding core stability challenge. Unfortunately, the bar positioning, can be difficult to learn and can feel quite awkward, which explains why many lifters shy away from it. Make no mistake about it, the benefits of the front loaded squat are innumerable in terms of athletic transfer, core strengthening, quad-building and improving squat and deadlift strength.

isn’t just great for making you look better, though. It happens to also have a bevy of other benefits you may not have realized, such as the four mentioned below. So set your ego aside and catapult your physique and strength to the next level by training the front squat.


Front squats are easier on your back and knees. Science shows you can work the same muscles targeted as the back squat while saving the lower back and knees. The front squat is as effective as the back squat in terms of overall muscle recruitment, with significantly less compressive forces and extensor moments. The back results suggest that front squats may be advantageous compared with back squats for individuals with knee problems such as meniscus tears, and for long-term joint health.


Back squats have been associated with lower back pain. Generally, the back squat is unfairly blamed. It’s not the back squat’s fault — it’s back squats with bad technique.  Lifters can cheat up back squats by getting out of position and doing a pseudo good morning to complete the lift. Try that with front squats and it’s party over! Lifters leaning forward on a front squat lose the weight – it is impossible to lean forward excessively while front squatting. This, in turn, promotes proper back squat technique by teaching you to keep your torso more erect. If you can front squat, you can back squat. The inverse is not true.


Those that have any interest in improving their cleans, jerks and push presses will immediately benefit from the front squat. The bar positioning and body posture in the front squat offer the most direct transference to Olympic lifting of any squatting variation.


 The front squat immediately assesses flexibility and to perform the movement with proper technique you must be flexible in all major joints. Coaches that test athletes’ strength in front squats, by default, create an incentive to train flexibility. So it goes that gym rats that train front squats consistently are, by default, consistently working on their flexibility. Additional flexibility work, however, is also advised. If the movement requires flexibility, as does the front squat, you must be flexible.


CFF incorporate Front Squats weekly into their programming exercises such as Barbell Front Squats are more designed to increase strength whist others such Goblet Squats , Wall Balls and Med ball Cleans can be used for conditioning 

For a FREE trial and to see how the Front Squat can help improve your training click here 

Head Coach Daniel Niciejewski

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